在 yii2 gridview 中输入时进行过滤

2022-01-07 00:00:00 php yii2 gridview

我需要在您输入时过滤 gridview.默认情况下,它仅在按下 Enter 键时进行过滤.

I need to filter the gridview as you type. By default it filters only when the enter key is pressed.


你应该使用你自己的 js 来处理这个问题,例如:

You should handle this using your own js, e.g. :

$this->registerJs('$("body").on("keyup.yiiGridView", "#grid-id .filters input", function(){
})', yiiwebView::POS_READY);

您当然应该用适当的 id 替换 grid-id.

You should of course replace grid-id with appropriate id.
