在 Yii2 中的视图中更改布局文件

2022-01-07 00:00:00 php yii2 model-view-controller

我正在用 Yii2 做一个小项目.

I am doing a small project using Yii2.

假设我在一个视图(例如 site)中有相同的布局(页眉、页脚),除了这个视图中的 login.php.我想在这个文件中使用不同的页眉/页脚或没有页眉/页脚.我该怎么做才能仅从此视图文件中删除页眉/页脚.

Suppose I have same layout (header, footer) in a view (eg site) except a login.php in this view. I want a different or no header / footer in this file. What can I do the remove the header / footer only from this view file.


All I could get to change layout in different views. Is it possible to change layout in a single file of a view?



public function actionYourAction($id)

    $this->layout = 'yourNewLayout';

    return $this->render('yourView', [
        'model' =>$model,
