yii2 BaseActiveRecord findAll() 条件大于或小于

2022-01-07 00:00:00 php yii2 activerecord


I have country database table (like found in the guide) that I test yii2 development application. I have field population and I want to create a public method in Country model to return all countries of specific population limits. i.e return all countries of population between x and y.


// models/Country.php

public function getPopulationBetween($lower, $upper)
  return Country::findAll(['population' => [">=".$lower, "<=".$upper]]);


在 CountryController 中:

In the CountryController:

public function actionGetBetween($lower, $upper)
      print_r(Country::getPopulationBetween($lower, $upper));

它返回一个空数组 i,e Array()

It returns an empty array i,e Array ()

现在我需要知道如何将 findAll 的条件设置为类似于 SQL 条件 ... Where population >= 20000 AND population <= 40000000即如何使用数组添加对条件的比较?!

Now I need to know how to set the condition of findAll to be like the SQL condition ... Where population >= 20000 AND population <= 40000000 i.e How to add comparison to the condition with using an array?!

另一个侧面 - 或可选 - 问题, 为什么在 Country.php 中调用 findAll 如下:

Another side -or optional- question, Why in Country.php when calling findAll as follows:

public function getPopulationBetween($lower, $upper)
      return $this->findAll(['population' => [">=".$lower, "<=".$upper]]);



未知方法 – yiiaseUnknownMethodException


Calling unknown method: appcontrollersCountryController::findAll()


In other words why must it called statically?


使用调试模块查看生成的 SQL 查询.

Use debug module to see the generated SQL query.


SELECT * FROM `countries` WHERE `population` IN ('>=20000', '<=40000000')


As you can see it's definitely wrong.

检查findAll(),不适合这种情况.改用 find().

Check the documentation for findAll(), it's not suitable for such condition. Use find() instead.


public static function getPopulationBetween($lower, $upper)
    return Country::find()
        ->where(['and', "population>=$lower", "id<=$upper"])


Note that in this case quoting and escaping won't be applied.


public static function getPopulationBetween($lower, $upper)
    return Country::find()
        ->where(['>=', 'population', $lower])
        ->andWhere(['<=', 'population', $upper])


Also change declaration of the method to static since it's not dependent on object instance.

请阅读这个和本部分官方文档了解查询的 where 部分是如何构造的.

Please read this and this sections of official documentation to understand how where part of query is constructed.


Maybe it's better to put this method in customized query class. You can read about it here.

您的其他问题的答案:您不应在对象上下文中调用 findAll(),因为它是框架设计的静态方法.

The answer for your additional question: you should not call findAll() in object context because it's static method by framework design.


public static function findAll($condition)
