Yii2:注册资产包与注册外部 Js 文件

2022-01-07 00:00:00 jquery php javascript yii2

我想知道按照文档中描述的过程注册 Asset Bundle 的好处,例如流程一在 AppAsset.php 中

Hi I wanted to know the advantage of registering Asset Bundle following the process described in the docs like Process one in AppAsset.php

public $js = [


then in the view file adding Namespace like

namespace appassets;


use appassetsAppAsset;


$this->registerJs('js/myjsfile.js', $this::POS_READY);


it works fine. So why should I use Process One.

  1. 对此的任何优势和原因将不胜感激.
  2. 如果我按照流程一是否需要将所有js文件添加到AppAsset.php 单独.
  1. Any advantage and reason for this will be greatly appreciated.
  2. If I follow the process one Do I need to add all the js files in AppAsset.php individually.



使用 Asset Bundle 的主要原因之一是您的资产路径始终是正确的.考虑:

One of the main reasons for using an Asset Bundle is that your assets' paths will always be correct. Consider:

$this->registerJsFile('js/myjsfile.js', ['position'=>$this::POS_READY]);


<script src="js/myjsfile.js"></script>

这对于非 urlManager 启用的 url 非常有用,例如http://localhost/yiiproject/index.php?r=user/update&id=8 因为您的浏览器会在以下位置查找 js 文件:/yiiproject/js/myjsfile.js

Which works great for non urlManager enabled urls, e.g. http://localhost/yiiproject/index.php?r=user/update&id=8 because your browser looks for the js file at: /yiiproject/js/myjsfile.js

但是如果你启用了 urlManager,你的 url 将看起来像 http://localhost/yiiproject/user/update/8,这意味着你的浏览器会在以下位置寻找你的 js 文件:/yiiproject/user/update/8/js/myjsfile.js.

But if you enable urlManager, your url will look like http://localhost/yiiproject/user/update/8, which means your browser will look for your js file at: /yiiproject/user/update/8/js/myjsfile.js.


You could overcome this problem by using:

$this->registerJsFile(Yii::$app->request->baseUrl.'/js/myjsfile.js', ['position'=>$this::POS_READY]);

但是 Asset Bundle 基本上可以为您做到这一点.

But the Asset Bundle basicly does that for you.
