如何在表单加载时检查 Yii2.0 CheckboxList 项目?

2022-01-07 00:00:00 php yii2

我正在尝试在 YII 2.0 框架中使用 Activeform 复选框列表小部件

I am trying to use a Activeform checkboxlist widget in YII 2.0 Framework


in my case, i have an array called "list" which has the names of languages which will be rendered out as checkboxlist, now i am able to do that, but i want the check boxes to be checked as the form loads.

$list = [0 => 'PHP', 1 => 'MySQL', 2 => 'Javascript'];
$list2 = [0,2];

使用以下行,我可以使用 HTML 帮助类实现我想要的:

using the following line, i am able to acheive what i want using HTML helper classes :

<?= Html::checkboxList('CuisineId',$list2,$list); ?>

但我希望能够使用 Activeform Widget CheckboxList 来做到这一点,根据 文档 的使用方式如下:

but i want to be able to do this using the Activeform Widget CheckboxList, which as per documentation is to be used in the following way :

静态复选框列表( $items, $options = [] )

static checkboxList( $items, $options = [] )

所以就我而言,我想出了如何为 $items 传递参数,方法如下:

So in my case, i have figured how to pass the parameter for $items, which is in the following way:

<?= $form->field($record, 'CuisineId')->checkboxlist($list);?> 


But now i do not know how to pass the parameters that will allow the checkboxes to be checked.


好的,我从 yiiframework 论坛 本身.


The solution was just to add the following line of code and it worked! :

$record->CuisineId = $list2;
