
2022-01-06 00:00:00 null php isset

我需要检查 value 是否定义为任何内容,包括 null.isset 将空值视为未定义并返回 false.以以下为例:

I need to check if value is defined as anything, including null. isset treats null values as undefined and returns false. Take the following as an example:

$foo = null;

if(isset($foo)) // returns false
if(isset($bar)) // returns false
if(isset($foo) || is_null($foo)) // returns true
if(isset($bar) || is_null($bar)) // returns true, raises a notice

注意 $bar 是未定义的.


I need to find a condition that satisfies the following:

if(something($bar)) // returns false;
if(something($foo)) // returns true;



IIRC,可以使用 get_defined_vars() 为此:

IIRC, you can use get_defined_vars() for this:

$foo = NULL;
$vars = get_defined_vars();
if (array_key_exists('bar', $vars)) {}; // Should evaluate to FALSE
if (array_key_exists('foo', $vars)) {}; // Should evaluate to TRUE
