PHP 认为 null 等于零

2022-01-06 00:00:00 null php

在 PHP 中,($myvariable==0)当 $myvariable 为零时,表达式的值为真;当 $myvariable 为 null 时,此表达式的值也为 true.如何排除第二种情况?我的意思是我希望表达式仅在 $myvariable 为零时才为真.我当然可以写

In PHP, ($myvariable==0) When $myvariable is zero, the value of the expression is true; when $myvariable is null, the value of this expression is also true. How can I exclude the second case? I mean I want the expression to be true only when $myvariable is zero. Of course I can write

($myvariable != null && $myvariable == 0)


But is there other elegant way to do this?


$myvariable === 0

