使用 MySQL 检查空字段

2022-01-06 00:00:00 sql null php mysql


I've wrote a query to check for users with certain criteria, one being they have an email address.


Our site will allow a user to have or not have an email address.

 SELECT `userID` 
 FROM `users` 
 WHERE `userID` 
         FROM `users_indvSettings`
  WHERE `indvSettingID`=5 AND `optionID`='.$time.')
  AND `email`!=""

这是在 SQL 中检查空字段的最佳方法吗?我刚刚尝试了IS NOT NULL",这仍然返回了一个用户记录,而他们没有电子邮件地址.

Is this the best way to check for an empty field in SQL? I've just tried "IS NOT NULL" and this still returned a users record without them having an email address.


The query above works but out of curiosity I wondered if I'm doing it the correct way.


空字段可以是空字符串或 NULL.

An empty field can be either an empty string or a NULL.


To handle both, use:

email > ''

如果您的表格中有大量空电子邮件记录(两种类型),则可以从 range 访问中受益.

which can benefit from the range access if you have lots of empty email record (both types) in your table.
