Joomla 到静态 HTML 网站
我在 Joomla 上托管了一个印地语杂志网站.尽管从发布的角度来看很有帮助,但该站点是维护的噩梦.Joomla 非常容易受到黑客攻击.由于机器人攻击我的网站,我的主机经常关闭我的网站.最近,我以不同的名称重新启动了该站点,作为一个基于 Wordpress 的新站点.因此,基于 Joomla 的网站将永远不会更新.但是,我确实想保留旧内容.我使用过 PHP,但几乎不是高级用户.
I have a Hindi magazine website hosted on Joomla. Though helpful from publishing point of view the site was a maintenance nightmare. Joomla is so much susceptible to hacker attacks. My host will often shut down my site due to bots attacking my website. Recently I relaunched the site as a new Wordpress based site on a different name. The Joomla based website would therefore never be updated anymore. However, I do want to maintain the old content. I have used PHP but hardly am a power user.
我想将文件转换为纯 HTML.我使用 HTTrack 创建了网站的镜像.但由于 Joomla 为同一页面提供了多种 URL(如果您使用 SEF URL 插件,您就会明白),镜像中充满了冗余内容.此外,我在每个页面中都有重复的 HTML 内容(用于页眉、页脚、菜单等).
I want to convert the files as plain HTML. I created a mirror of the website using HTTrack. But thanks to the fact that Joomla had variety of URLs for the same page (if you used a SEF URL plugin you would understand) the mirror is full of redundant content. Moreover I have repetitive HTML content (for header,footer,menu etc) in each page.
- 创建静态 HTML 站点或 PHP4.x 页面(具有 Unicode 内容并包含用于重复内容的 PHP 片段)哪个更好?
- 如果后者更好,我应该使用 Smarty 之类的模板系统吗?我担心缓存,因为内容几乎不会更新我希望缓存永远持续下去.
如果我是你,我会把所有东西都转移到 WordPress 上,因为你已经开始使用它了.通过这种方式,您将维护一个单一的网站应用程序,从长远来看,可以更好地管理事情.
If I were you I'd move everything over to WordPress since you have started using this. This way you will be maintaining a single website application keeping things better manageable in the long run.
您可以使用 Joomla 管理界面将数据复制出 Joomla.或者甚至可以更快地使用像 MySQL Tools 或 Navicat 这样有很多导出选项的数据库工具.
You can copy the data out of Joomla using the Joomla administration interface. Or maybe even quicker using a database tool like MySQL Tools or Navicat which has a lot of export options.
使用 HTTrack 或 TelePort Pro 等工具从 Joomla 复制 HTML 会导致大量重复的代码和页面,如您所述.
Copying the HTML from Joomla using tools like HTTrack or TelePort Pro will result in lots of duplicate code and pages like you state.
为旧内容维护一个额外的 PHP 站点与将所有内容都放入 WordPress 一样费力.
Maintaining an extra PHP site just for the old content will be as much effort as getting everything into WordPress.