允许用户从自定义 Joomla 登录表单中选择用户组

我正在 Joomla 3.0 中开发一个网站.我想做的是创建一个自定义登录表单.我想要这样做的原因是让用户能够在注册时选择他们想要加入的用户组.所以我需要在登录表单中创建一个下拉框.从此下拉框中,用户将能够选择所需的用户组.到目前为止,我已经尝试使用各种插件和扩展,但问题是它们无法按照我想要的方式进行定制.所以,如果您有任何想法如何实现我正在寻找的结果,请与我分享.我想我将不得不尝试自己编写代码,但即使在这种情况下,我也需要很多帮助.给我提示和引用好的教程也会有帮助.

I am developing a website in Joomla 3.0. What I am trying to do is to create a custom login form. The reason I want to do that is to enable users to select the user group they want to be put in while they are registering. So I need to create a dropdown box in the login form. From this dropdown box users would be able to pick up the desired user group. So far I've tried using various plugins and extentions but the problem is that they can't be customized the way I want. So please, if you have any idea how to achieve the result I am looking for share it with me. I guess I will have to try to code it myself, but even in this case I would need a lot of help. Giving me tips and citing good tutorials would also be helpful.
Thank you

PS:如果您对我的另一个版本的 Joomla 问题有解决方案,请与我分享.

PS: If you have solution to my problem for another version of Joomla please share it with me.


可能 UsergroupSelector插件可以帮助您实现这一目标.该插件在注册表单中添加了一个字段.如果您不想使用默认 html,则需要在覆盖的模板中添加一个选择框 html.

Probably UsergroupSelector plugin can help you to achieve this. This plugin adds a field in registration form. In case if you do not want to use default html, then you need to add a select box html in your overrided template.
