从 Joomla 模块发出重定向

2022-01-06 00:00:00 php joomla joomla1.5

我对 Joomla 不是很熟悉,但我的任务是编写一个模块,该模块的功能与问题无关.

I am not really familiar with Joomla but I have been tasked with writing a module which functionality is irrelevant to the question.

其中一个要求是,如果模块被加载,它应该检查用户是否登录,如果没有 - 将他重定向到特定的 URL.

One of the requirements is that if the module is loaded, it should check if the user is logged in and if not - redirect him into a specific URL.


After some searching I came up with something like this, but it's obviously not a working answer:

$user =& JFactory::getUser();

if (!$user->id) {
    include_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "controller.php"; // assuming com_content
    $contentController = new ContentController();
    $link = JRoute::_("my url");

我认为问题在于获取控制器.创建一个新的控制器当然不是要走的路.有没有办法从 Joomla 模块获取当前控制器并发出重定向?

I think the problem lies in getting to the controller. Creating a new controller certainly isn't the way to go. Is there a way to get the current controller from a Joomla module and the issue a redirect?




i call this static function in each of my controllers construct

static function forceLoggedIn(){

    $user = JFactory::getUser();

        if($user->guest||$user->id == 0)
            $error = JText::_('YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN');
            //base xkè altrimenti andrebbe in loop di redirect
            JFactory::getApplication()->redirect(JURI::base(), $error, 'error' );
            return false;
