JavaScript location.reload() 正在丢失发布数据

2022-01-06 00:00:00 php javascript joomla

我正在尝试使用 java 脚本重新加载页面,页面重新加载,但页面中的帖子数据未加载 帖子数据被删除,而页面重新加载,任何人都可以帮助我

I am trying to reload the page using java script the page reloads but the post data in the page is not loading the post data are deleted while the page reloads can any one help me with it

function currencychange(xxx) {
    setTimeout('delay()', 2000);
function delay(){

这是我用来在更改时重新加载页面的 javascript 代码

this is the javascript code which I am using to reload the page onchange


window.location.reload() 发出一个 GET,所以是的,POST 数据会丢失.

window.location.reload() issues a GET, so yes, the POST data will be lost.


The only ways you can issue a post are either:

  1. 使用 AJAX 回传数据,获取新页面,并用它替换你的 body 元素,或者

  1. Use AJAX to post the data back, get the new page, and replace your body element with it, or

在页面上创建一个表单元素,其动作是当前的 window.location.href,并将您想要回传的数据作为隐藏输入放入其中.然后,在货币兑换调用 form.submit()

Create a form element on the page with the action being the current window.location.href, and place the data you want to post back inside it as hidden inputs. Then, on currency change call form.submit()
