动态创建 div 时如何显示/隐藏 div

2022-01-06 00:00:00 jquery php javascript joomla

我正在开发具有两个级别的评论重播评论系统,我在如何显示和隐藏 div 方面遇到了问题 ..,因为它的 id 是不同的 ..,我尝试了一种方式:

I am developing comment systems with two level of replay to the comments and I have a problem with how to show and hide divs .., because it's id's are different .., I tried in a way with:


<span style="display:none;">
   <form action='' method='post' name="addcmt" onsubmit="return validate()">
        <textarea rows="1" cols="60" name='textarea1' id='textarea1' onKeyDown="limitText(this.form.textarea1,this.form.countdown,300);" 
       <input type="hidden" name="level1" id="level1" value="commtlevel1" />
       <input id='addcmt' type='submit' value='Add reply' name='submit'/> 


     $("button").click(function () {

但是这样当我点击回复按钮时,它会显示所有的 span 标签内容......,我想知道我如何只显示一个标签或一种完成工作的方式.

but this way when I click reply button it shows all the span tag contente.., I wanna kow how I show one tag only or a way to my work done.


编辑后的问题,我建议你使用 div 而不是 span (因为 display inline vs block).

After edited question, i suggest you use div instead of span (because of display inline vs block).

$("button").click(function () {


would do the job how you want.Here is the result.
