当应用程序池使用“ApplicationPoolIdentity"时,IIS 8.5 使用什么用户帐户?

2022-01-06 00:00:00 windows php iis joomla

我正在使用运行 IIS 8.5 的新 Windows 2012 R2 服务器.我在默认的 wwwroot 文件夹中安装了 PHP 和一个 Joomla 站点,用于测试目的 (C:inetpubwwwroot).

I am working with a new Windows 2012 R2 server, running IIS 8.5. I have PHP and a Joomla site installed in the default wwwroot folder for testing purposes (C:inetpubwwwroot).


Right now, the default web site is using the 'Default Web Site' application pool which in turn is using the 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' identity.

Joomla 站点加载没有问题,但是当它需要写入文件系统(即新模块、更改配置文件等)时,问题开始出现.日志表明系统没有写入文件系统的权限.

The Joomla site loads without issue, but problems start appearing when it needs to write to the file system (i.e. new modules, changes to the configuration file, etc.). The logs indicate that the system does not have permission to write to the file system.

我为不同的用户帐户应用了各种不同的写入/修改/完全权限组合,包括IIS AppPoolDefault Web Site"、IUSR"和IIS_IUSRS"组.这些都没有解决问题.但是,如果我已将 wwwroot 文件夹的完全访问权限分配给所有人",则所有功能都按预期工作.

I have applied various different combinations of write / modify / full permissions for different user accounts including the 'IIS AppPoolDefault Web Site' , 'IUSR', and 'IIS_IUSRS' group. None of these correct the issue. However, if I have assign full access to the wwwroot folder to 'Everyone', all of the functionality works as expected.

现在,显然这不太理想,那么在这种情况下,IIS/PHP 使用什么用户帐户,我可以授予特定的 NTFS 权限,而不是向全世界开放文件系统?

Now, obviously that is less than ideal, so what user account is IIS / PHP using in this case that I can grant specific NTFS permissions to rather than opening the file system up to the world?




When adding the name, be sure to select your local server's name, not the domain name. I couldn't figure out why the name wasn't resolving and this was why:
