ROWS 没有在 Youtube Analytics API 中返回?

我已向此网址发出请求: 使用指标:喜欢和不喜欢.

I have made a request to this url: with the metrics: likes and dislikes.


 "kind": "youtubeAnalytics#resultTable",
 "columnHeaders": [
   "name": "likes",
   "columnType": "METRIC",
   "dataType": "INTEGER"
   "name": "dislikes",
   "columnType": "METRIC",
   "dataType": "INTEGER"

我请求的行和实际数据在哪里?在文档中,这是当我从 youtube 请求数据时应该返回的内容:

Where are the rows and the actual data that i requested? In the documentation this is what is supposed to return when i request data from youtube:

  "kind": "youtubeAnalytics#resultTable",
  "columnHeaders": [
      "name": string,
      "dataType": string,
      "columnType": string
    ... more headers ...
  "rows": [
      {value}, {value}, ...

但我没有得到行":[] 数据.是我的帐户没有任何分析还是我做错了什么?

But i get no "rows": [] data. Does my account just not have any analytics or did i do something wrong?

如果我将 alt=json 更改为 alt=csv,我会返回 null.

If i cange the alt=json to alt=csv i get null returned.


来自 docs: '如果没有数据可用于给定的查询,则行元素将从响应中省略.'

From the docs: 'If no data is available for the given query, the rows element will be omitted from the response.'
