如何在 2015 年 4 月 20 日之后获得 Youtube 频道 RSS 提要(没有 v3 API)?

2022-01-06 00:00:00 youtube rss php

既然 API v2 已经消失,那么在没有 v3 API 的情况下,有什么方法可以获取频道的简单 RSS 提要?如果目标是提要阅读器,我对 Yahoo Pipes 或任何比为 v3 API 创建应用程序更简单的解决方法持开放态度.我只需要一个 RSS 提要.直到现在它都是公开可用的,现在可以随时停止(我认为).那么,为什么不再允许在没有 API 密钥的情况下访问它.

Now that API v2 is gone, what would be a way to get a simple RSS feed of a channel, without v3 API? I'm open to Yahoo Pipes or any workaround that is simpler than creating an application for v3 API if the target is a feed reader. I only need an RSS feed. It was available publicly until now and it can cease any minute now (I think). So why not let access to it without an API key anymore.


在 RSS 阅读器 部分 https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6098135?hl=en 有一个选项可以将您的订阅导出到 OPML 文件.然后,查看OPML的内容就可以提取提要了,每个提要的结构是:

At RSS Reader section https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6098135?hl=en there is an option to export to an OPML file your subscriptions. Then, looking at the contents of the OPML you can extract the feeds, and the structure of each feed is:


因此,如果您知道频道 ID,则可以从此结构生成新提要.这种提要没有收到https://youtube.com/devicesupport"错误,所以我希望它们会继续工作.

So you could generate new feeds from this structure if you know the channel id. This kind of feeds are not getting the "https://youtube.com/devicesupport" error, so I expect they are going to keep working.
