
2022-01-05 00:00:00 static php

为什么我不能使用具有方法 static(class::method) 语法的非静态方法?这是某种配置问题吗?

Why can't I use a method non-static with the syntax of the methods static(class::method) ? Is it some kind of configuration issue?

class Teste {

    public function fun1() {
        echo 'fun1';
    public static function fun2() {
        echo "static fun2" ;

Teste::fun1(); // why?
Teste::fun2(); //ok - is a static method


PHP 在静态与非静态方法方面非常松散.我在这里没有看到的一件事是,如果您从 C, 类的非静态方法中静态调用非静态方法 nsns 中的 $this 将引用您的 C 实例.

PHP is very loose with static vs. non-static methods. One thing I don't see noted here is that if you call a non-static method, ns statically from within a non-static method of class C, $this inside ns will refer to your instance of C.

class A 
    public function test()
        echo $this->name;

class C 
     public function q()
         $this->name = 'hello';

$c = new C;
$c->q();// prints hello


This is actually an error of some kind if you have strict error reporting on, but not otherwise.
