何时在 PHP 中使用静态修饰符

2022-01-05 00:00:00 oop static php


Doing some code reviews lately I came across a number of classes that have significant number of static methods in them... and I can't seem to grasp why? Hence my question:

在 PHP 中使用静态方法的最佳实践是什么?

What are the best practices regarding using static methods in PHP?


When would one want to use them and when would one shouldn't use them?


What are specific difference in how runtime handles static methods? Do they affect performance or memory footprint?



Doing some code reviews lately I came across a number of classes that have significant number of static methods in them... and I can't seem to grasp why

PHP 在 5.3 之前没有命名空间,所以所有函数/变量都在全局范围内,除非它们属于某个类.将它们作为静态成员放在一个类中是没有命名空间的一种解决方法(这可能就是你看到它们显着"数量的原因)

PHP didn't have namespaces before 5.3, so all function/variables would be in global scope unless they belonged in some class. Putting them in a class as static members is a workaround for not having namespaces (and that's probably why you saw them in "significant" number)


Generally, they are used for functions that aren't much useful in individual objects, but has some use at class level (as said in other answers)
