更新到 v4.8.0 后 phpMyAdmin 出错:$cfg['TempDir'] (./tmp/) 不可访问

2022-01-05 00:00:00 linux php mysql phpmyadmin

phpMyAdmin 在 v4.7.9 中运行良好.现在,今天更新到 v4.8.0(将旧的 phpmyadmin 文件夹替换为新的文件夹)后,我在 phpMyAdmin 中收到此消息:

phpMyAdmin worked fine with v4.7.9. Now after updating to v4.8.0 today (replacing the old phpmyadmin folder against the new one) I'm getting this message in phpMyAdmin:

$cfg['TempDir'] (./tmp/) 不可访问.phpMyAdmin 无法缓存模板,因此会很慢.

The $cfg['TempDir'] (./tmp/) is not accessible. phpMyAdmin is not able to cache templates and will be slow because of this.


phpMyAdmin 开启:/usr/share/phpmyadmin

phpMyAdmin is on: /usr/share/phpmyadmin



Who know this error? What can I do?


解决方案是创建一个名为 tmp 的文件夹,如下所示:/usr/share/phpmyadmin/tmp.

Solution was to create a folder called tmp like this: /usr/share/phpmyadmin/tmp.

还要确保运行网络服务器(例如 Apache)的用户(或组)对新创建的 tmp 文件夹具有写入权限.因此,更改该用户的所有权或为所有用户添加写访问权限.后一种可能不太可取.

Also make sure that the user (or group) running the webserver (e.g. Apache) has write access to the newly created tmp folder. Consequently, change the ownership to that user or add write access for all users. The latter one might not be really advisable.
