MySql - 将 InnoDB 转换为数据库的 MyISAM 存储引擎

2022-01-05 00:00:00 php mysql phpmyadmin


How to convert database storage engine from InnoDB to MyISAM on MySQL? I found so many sites which convert the storage engine of database table, but not for database.



您无法更改数据库的默认存储引擎,但可以使用 default-storage-engine<为整个服务器更改它/code> 配置设置.请注意,这实际上不会更改现有表的存储引擎,只会更改更改后创建的新表.

You can't change the default storage engine for a database, but you can change it for the whole server using the default-storage-engine config setting. Note that this will not actually change the storage engine for existing tables though, just for new ones created after the change.
