phpMyAdmin mbstring 错误
每当我尝试进入我的 phpMyAdmin 时,它都会给我这个错误:
Whenever I try to enter my phpMyAdmin, it gives me this error:
The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.
我在 Internet 上到处寻找修复程序,但我发现的所有错误都与我的相似,但不相同,或者完全相同但没有给出修复程序.
I've looked all over the Internet for a fix, but all I've found is errors similar to mine, but not the same, or the exact same but there was no fix given.
我也在使用 Windows.
I am also using Windows.
我在 Centos 中安装了一个 php 扩展.我这样做了:
In Centos I have installed a php extension. I did this with:
yum install php-mbstring