检查是否在“开发"中带 Symfony 的控制器内的模式

在 Symfony2.x 应用程序中使用开发模式时,通常在语言环境中工作.因此,此类功能无法按预期工作(例如,尝试获取 localhost 下的当前 IP).这可能是一个问题,例如当您尝试使用这种基于 ip 的网络服务时.因此,我只想知道如何在控制器内部检查 Symfony2 应用程序是否在 dev 模式下运行.这样就可以根据模式设置控制器的行为.

When using dev mode with a Symfony2.x application, one usually works in locale. Hence, such function does not works as expected (for instance, try to get the current IP under localhost). This could be a problem, e.g. when one try to use such ip-based web service. Hence, I just want to know how to check inside a controller if the Symfony2 application is running in dev mode or not. In that way one can set the behavior of the controller depending by the mode.



要在 Controller 中获取当前环境,您可以使用:

To get the current environment in a Controller you can use:


所以你只要把它放在一个 if() 语句中来检查它是否等于 dev.

So you just put that in an if() statement to check if it equals to dev.
