PHP 项目的 Textmate 自动完成和类大纲

我正在使用 PDT,但想切换到任何轻量级编辑器.首先我想尝试Textmate.Eclipse 有几个有用的特性:

I'm using PDT, but want to switch to any lightweit editor. First I want to try Textmate. Eclipse has several useful features:

  • class outlile 获取要导航的属性和方法列表(带签名);
  • 类型层次,类似于class outlile,但它显示了完整的继承树;
  • 自定义类名称、方法等的自动完成(不仅适用于标准函数);
  • 转到声明功能
  • class outlile to get list of properties and methods (with signature) to navigate;
  • type hierarchy, it is like class outlile but it shows full inheritance tree;
  • autocompletion for custom classes names, methods etc. (not only for standard functions);
  • go to declaration feature

Textmate 是否提供此功能,或者是否有捆绑包来获得此功能?

Does Textmate provide this features, or is there bundles to get such functional?


我知道这可能令人恐惧——它是为我准备的——但是你可以使用 Vim 非常高效地编码.这绝对不是一个交钥匙解决方案,但如果您在项目之间有一些时间,那就值得了.

I know it can be frightening — it was for me — but you can code very efficiently with Vim. It's definetly not a turnkey solution but if you have some time between projects it's worth it.

  • 标签列表 和 tagbar 是提供代码导航的插件.
  • 有很多解决方案用于自动完成.
  • 您可以在单个文件中使用 gd 进行声明,或者在更复杂的情况下使用丰富的 ctags 和 ctrl-] 进行声明.
  • Taglist and tagbar are plugins that provide code navigation.
  • There are a number of solutions for autocompletion.
  • you can go to declaration with gd in a single file or with exuberant ctags and ctrl-] in more complex situations.
