有没有办法让 PhpStorm 的自动完成“更深入"?

2022-01-05 00:00:00 autocomplete php phpstorm

在 PhpStorm 中,如果我创建了一个对象,那么我会在该对象上自动完成所有工作:

In PhpStorm, if I create an object, then I have all auto complete on that object working fine:

$object = new MyClass();




So far so good, but if I get returned an object through the first method, then the auto complete will not work on that.


将显示一个空列表.getDriver 方法将其 PHPDoc @return 标记设置为Driver",但在其他一些 IDE 中,因此这有助于获得正确的自动完成.

Will show an empty list. The getDriver method has its PHPDoc @return tag set to 'Driver' though and in some other IDEs, this therefore works to get the correct auto complete.

想知道我是否遗漏了某个设置,或者 PhpStorm 是否还没有提供这种高级自动完成功能?

Wondering if there's a setting that I missed somewhere or if PhpStorm doesn't offer this kind of advanced auto complete yet?


getDriver() 函数需要适当的返回值类型提示(函数的文档块):

The function getDriver() needs appropriate type-hints for the return value (function's docblock):

  * @return classOrInterfaceName

这通常足以让 IDE更深入".我很确定 Phpstorm 支持它,但我不是 Phpstorm 用户.

This is normally enough to have a IDE "go deeper". I'm pretty sure Phpstorm supports that, but I'm not a Phpstorm user.


Take care the file with the interface/class is within the project or referenced to it.


As a work around you can assign the return value to a variable and type-hint that variable. Might not be that comfortable but can help.
