使用 get 方法将路由 url 格式传递给 symfony2 表单
Not sure if I properly wrote the subject but anyway.
Since you can create specific routes with different parameters for eg:
pattern: /page/{category}/{keyword}
defaults: { _controller: Bundle:Default:page, category: 9, keyword: null }
有没有办法从带有 GET 方法的表单获得该路由特定的 url 格式?
is there any way from a form with GET method to get to that route specific url format?
At the moment the url is like /page?category=2?keyword=some+keyword
As such is not passing to the route format as you may noticed.
我需要做什么才能让它通过这种特定格式工作?我真的不知道如何重写页面 url 以匹配特定 url 的路由设置.即使在普通的 php 中也偶然发现了这个......
What do I need to do to get it working through this specific format? I really have no idea how to rewrite the page url to match the route settings for the specific url. Even in plain php was stumbled on this ...
这是带有 GET 方法的 HTML 表单的默认行为.您需要自己构建该 URL.
It's the default behavior of HTML forms with GET method. You will need to build that URL yourself.
- 缺点:它向服务器发出两个请求而不是一个
- 优点:更易于维护,因为 URL 是使用路由服务构建的
pattern: /page/{category}/{keyword}
defaults: { _controller: Bundle:Default:page, category: 9, keyword: null }
pattern: /page
defaults: { _controller: Bundle:Default:redirect }
public function redirectAction()
$category = $this->get('request')->query->get('category');
$keyword = $this->get('request')->query->get('keyword');
// You probably want to add some extra check here and there
// do avoid any kind of side effects or bugs.
$url = $this->generateUrl('_search', array(
'category' => $category,
'keyword' => $keyword,
return $this->redirect($url);
使用 Javascript,您可以自己构建 URL,然后重定向用户.
Frontend way
Using Javascript, you can build the URL yourself and redirect the user afterwards.
- 缺点:您无权访问路由服务(尽管您可以使用 FOSJsRoutingBundle 包)
- 优点:您可以节省一个请求
注意:您需要获得自己的查询字符串 getter,您可以找到 此处为 Stackoverflow 线程,下面我将在 jQuery 对象上使用 getQueryString
Note: You will need to get your own query string getter you can find a Stackoverflow thread here, below I'll use getQueryString
on the jQuery object.
(function (window, $) {
$('#theFormId').submit(function (event) {
var category, keyword;
// You will want to put some tests here to make
// sure the code behaves the way you are expecting
category = $.getQueryString('category');
keyword = $.getQueryString('keyword');
window.location.href = '/page/' + category + '/' + keyword;
})(window, jQuery);