在 $_GET 函数中使用 & 符号

2022-01-04 00:00:00 get php

如果我有一个像 asdf.com/index.php?a=0&b=2 这样的 URL,那么对于 a 使用 $_GET 将是 0 而对于 b> 将是 2.但是,我放入单个 $_GET 函数中的术语已经包含一个 & 符号,例如 a=Steak&Cheese.有没有办法让&符号在没有 $_GET 变量的情况下工作,当&符号出现时它的工作就结束了(因此不会拉出整个术语)?

If I have a URL like asdf.com/index.php?a=0&b=2, then using $_GET for a would be 0 and for b would be 2. However, the term I put into a single $_GET function has an ampersand in it already, like a=Steak&Cheese. Is there a way to make ampersands work without the $_GET variable thinking its job ends when the ampersand shows up (therefore not pulling the entire term)?


urlencode() 所以 & 变成了 %26.

如果需要将一些参数做成查询字符串,可以使用http_build_query() 代替它,它将为您对您的参数进行 URL 编码.

If you need to make a query string out of some parameters, you can use http_build_query() instead and it will URL encode your parameters for you.

在接收端,你的 $_GET 值会被 PHP 解码,所以查询字符串 a=Steak%26Cheese 对应于 $_GET= array('a' => '牛排和奶酪').

On the receiving end, your $_GET values will be decoded for you by PHP, so the query string a=Steak%26Cheese corresponds to $_GET = array('a' => 'Steak&Cheese').
