$_POST 的替代品

2022-01-04 00:00:00 post get php


I have a huge form with inputs of type (text, checkboxes, hidden et). The content of the form inputs are taken from a database. The user has to make some changes and to save the data back into the db.

此时我正在使用一个具有 foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) 循环的函数.如您所知,post 方法存在问题:

At this moment I'm using a function which has a foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) loop. As you know, there are problems with post method:

  1. 无法刷新,
  2. 不能倒退.

我想使用 $_GET 方法,但我的变量和值的长度大于 2000 个字符.

I'll like to use $_GET method, but the length of my variables and values are bigger than 2000 characters.

你对我有什么建议,我能做什么?也许使用 $_GET 有一些技巧.也许我不明白如何正确使用它?

Do you have any advice for me, about what can I do? Maybe there are some tricks in using $_GET. Maybe i didn't understand how to use it right?


POST 本身绝对没有问题.你只需要正确使用它
HTTP 标准规定您应该在收到 POST 请求后进行 GET 重定向.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in POST itself. You just have to use it properly
An HTTP standard says you ought to make a GET redirect after receiving POST request.
So, as easy code as this

    header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);


after processing your form will solve all your "problems"

如果你想处理 post 错误,你可以使用 POST/Redirect/GET 模式.但是它不会在错误时重定向,您提到的问题变得可以忽略不计.

in case you want to handle post errors, you can use POST/Redirect/GET pattern. However it does not redirect on error, the problems you mentioned becoming negligible.


  //processing the form    
  $err = array();
  //performing all validations and raising corresponding errors
  if (empty($_POST['name']) $err[] = "Username field is required";  
  if (empty($_POST['text']) $err[] = "Comments field is required";  

  if (!$err) {  
    //if no errors - saving data and redirect
    header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
  }  else {
    // all field values should be escaped according to HTML standard
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
      $form[$key] = htmlspecialchars($val);
} else {
  $form['name'] = $form['comments'] = '';  
include 'form.tpl.php';


on error it will show the form back. but after successful form submit it will redirect as well.
