$_SERVER['argv'] 带有 HTTP GET 和 CLI 问题

我正在尝试写一个脚本来获取一些在线数据;脚本应由 cron 作业或 php cli 和标准的 GET HTTP 请求 调用.正如 PHP 网站上所述 $_SERVER['argv'] 应该符合我的需求:

I'm trying to write down a script to fetch some online data; script should be invoked either by a cron job or php cli and with standard GET HTTP request. As stated on PHP website $_SERVER['argv'] should fit my needs:

传递给脚本的参数数组.当脚本在命令行,这提供了对命令行的 C 风格访问参数.当通过 GET 方法调用时,这将包含查询字符串.

Array of arguments passed to the script. When the script is run on the command line, this gives C-style access to the command line parameters. When called via the GET method, this will contain the query string.

但是我无法让它与标准的 HTTP GET 请求一起工作.$_SERVER['argv'] 未设置.我错过了什么?

However i can't get it to work with standard HTTP GET request. $_SERVER['argv'] is not setted. What i'm missing?

    // jobs/fetch.php

CLI 输出 php jobs/fetch.php -a -bhello:

array(3) {
  string(14) "jobs/fetch.php"
  string(2) "-a"
  string(7) "-bhello"

GET 输出 jobs/fetch.php?a=&b=hello:

注意:未定义索引:jobs/fetch.php 中的 argv.

Notice: Undefined index: argv in jobs/fetch.php.


手册没有很好地说明这一点,但是,如果你想要 $_SERVER['argc'], $_SERVER['argv'], $argc, $argv 要在您未在 CLI 模式下运行时注册,然后是 php.ini 值 register_argc_argv 需要在 php.ini 中启用(默认关闭 [出于性能原因]).

The manual didn't state this very well, but, if you want $_SERVER['argc'], $_SERVER['argv'], $argc, $argv to be registered when you are not running in CLI mode, then the php.ini value register_argc_argv needs to be enabled in php.ini (off by default [for performance reasons]).

您可以执行以下操作来获取 argv,或根据脚本的运行方式查询字符串 args:

You could do the following to get argv, or query string args depending on how the script is running:

if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
    $args = $_SERVER['argv'];
} else {
    parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $args);

以下是来自 php.ini 的一些细节:

Here are some details from php.ini:

; This directive determines whether PHP registers $argv & $argc each time it
; runs. $argv contains an array of all the arguments passed to PHP when a script
; is invoked. $argc contains an integer representing the number of arguments
; that were passed when the script was invoked. These arrays are extremely
; useful when running scripts from the command line. When this directive is
; enabled, registering these variables consumes CPU cycles and memory each time
; a script is executed. For performance reasons, this feature should be disabled
; on production servers.
; Note: This directive is hardcoded to On for the CLI SAPI
; Default Value: On
; Development Value: Off
; Production Value: Off
; http://php.net/register-argc-argv

另见http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.argv.php 和 parse_str().
