我不能在 PHP 中同时使用 GET 和 POST

2022-01-04 00:00:00 post forms get php


Near the top of my page, I have this:

<?php $id = $_GET['id']; ?>

然后我有一些从 POST 中读取的表单检查条件:

Then I have some form check conditionals that read from POST:

if (isset($_POST['completeSubmit'])) {

最后,我有一个 HTML 表单,如下所示:

And finally, I have an HTML form which looks like this:

<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=$id"; ?>" name="complete" method="post">
<input type="submit" id="textButton" name="completeSubmit" value="[mark as complete]">

该页面最初是通过使用带有 id 变量的 GET 访问的,如下所示:

The page is initially accessed by using GET with an id variable like this:


所有后续表单提交(被重定向到同一页面)都失败.我知道您不能在同一个请求中同时发送 GET 和 POST,但是看到我的表单正在提交给 $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=$id" 使用 POST 应该'它有效吗?这是我第一次尝试这个,所以很可能我忽略了一些微不足道的东西.

All subsequent form submissions (which get redirected to the same page) fail. I know you can't send both GET and POST in the same request, but seeing as my form is submitting to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=$id" using POST shouldn't it work? This is my first time trying this so it is quite possible I've overlooked something trivial.


你可以同时使用 get 和 post,但你不应该.如果您想继续发送 ID,这很简单:

You can use get and post at the same time, but you shouldn't. If you want to continue to send the ID this is as simple as:

<form ...
   <input type="submit" ...
   <input type="hidden" name="id"
      value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['id'], ENT_QUOTES); ?>" />
