通过 PHP GET 传递布尔值

2022-01-04 00:00:00 boolean get php

这里的问题很简单,但不确定答案.我可以通过 get 传递布尔变量吗?例如:

Pretty simple question here, not sure the answer though. Can I pass a boolean variable through get? For example:



$hopefullyBool = $_GET['myVar'];

$hopefullyBool 是布尔值还是字符串?我的假设是它是一个字符串,但有人可以让我知道吗?谢谢

Is $hopefullyBool a boolean or a string? My hypothesis is that it's a string but can someone let me know? Thanks


所有 GET 参数在 PHP 中都是字符串(或字符串数​​组).使用 filter_var(或 filter_input) 和 FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN:

All GET parameters will be strings (or an array of strings) in PHP. Use filter_var (or filter_input) and FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN:

为1"、true"、on"返回 TRUE和是".否则返回 FALSE.

Returns TRUE for "1", "true", "on" and "yes". Returns FALSE otherwise.

如果设置了 FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE,则仅针对0"、false"、off"、no"和;"返回 FALSE.",并且对于所有非布尔值返回 NULL.

If FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE is set, FALSE is returned only for "0", "false", "off", "no", and "", and NULL is returned for all non-boolean values.

$hopefullyBool = filter_var($_GET['myVar'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);

对于可以是数组的输入变量,有 filter_var_array 和 filter_input_array.

For INPUT vars that can be arrays there is filter_var_array and filter_input_array.

另一种获取布尔类型的方法,传递一些计算结果为 truefalse 的东西,例如 01>:

Another way to get the type boolean, pass something that evaluates to true or false like 0 or 1:



$hopefullyBool = (bool)$_GET['myVar'];

如果你想传递字符串 truefalse 那么另一种方式:

If you want to pass string true or false then another way:

$hopefullyBool = $_GET['myVar'] == 'true' ? true : false;

但我想说带有 FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEANfilter_var 就是为了这个.

But I would say that filter_var with FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN was meant for this.
