symfony 3 文件夹和文件应该有哪些权限?

2022-01-04 00:00:00 permissions file-permissions php symfony

我已经重新安装了 Ubuntu 16.04,并且在从 git 中提取了我的 symfony 3.4 项目后,它可以加载但没有 CSS 和 JS.我认为是文件夹和文件权限的问题.

I've reinstall Ubuntu 16.04 and after getting pull my symfony 3.4 project from git, it loads but without CSS and JS. I think that the problem with the permissions for folders and files.


如果你从来没有改变它,那么它是 www-data

If it's permissions related, then first make sure of which user is your web user.
If you never changed it, then it's www-data


As for the permissions, do this (replace www-data if needed):

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
find /var/www/ -type d -exec chmod 0775 "{}" ;
find /var/www/ -type f -exec chmod 0664 "{}" ;
find /var/www -type d -exec chmod g+s "{}" ;



In some projects like symfony, some files have the execution permission.
Doing this will remove the permission.

因此,我建议在执行此操作之前将所有项目移出 /var/www 文件夹.
完成权限后,只需复制(而不是移动)/var/www 文件夹中的项目,它们将继承 Web 用户和 Web 组(在本例中为 www-data)并保留执行权限.

Thus, I recommand to move all your projects out of the /var/www folder before doing this.
When done with permissions, just copy (not move) your projects in the /var/www folder, they will inherit web user and web group (www-data in this case) and keep execution permission.


file-permissions, symfony, ubuntu 应该已经足够了... ;)

You're using too many tags.
file-permissions, symfony, ubuntu should have been enough... ;)
