强制“另存为"通过 jQuery GET 对话框

2022-01-04 00:00:00 get jquery php savefiledialog

我正在对下面的 test.php 文件代码调用 jQueryGET".

I'm calling a jQuery "GET" on the test.php file code below.

我试图让脚本在生成的 test.ini 文件上弹出另存为"对话框,以允许将其保存在本地.但是,虽然我可以很好地将结果回显到 jQuery,但我似乎无法弹出另存为"对话框.

I'm trying to get the script to pop a "Save As" dialog on the resulting test.ini file to allow it to be saved locally. However, although I can echo the result back to the jQuery fine, I can't seem to pop the "save as" dialog.

更新:感谢以下解决方案,我刚刚将 $.get 更改为 window.location.replace.

Update: Thanks to the solutions below, I just changed my $.get to a window.location.replace.

        //$.get('<?php echo get_bloginfo('template_directory') ?>/test.php');
        window.location.replace("<?php echo get_bloginfo('template_directory') ?>/test.php");



您无法获得显示另存为"对话框的 ajax 请求,但您可以做的是在页面中插入一个隐藏的 iframe 元素,然后将该 iframe 的源设置为您希望用户下载的 url.瞧,这是您的另存为.

You can't get an ajax request to show a "Save As" dialog, but what you CAN do is insert a hidden iframe element in the page, then set the source of that iframe to the url you want the user to download. Voila, there's your Save As.


Here's a copy and paste example:

  var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); 
  iframe.src = 'http://example.com/branding.zip'; 
  iframe.style.display = "none"; 
  return false;
