如何将适用于 Windows 的 PHP 5.3 扩展编译为 DLL?

2022-01-04 00:00:00 windows dll compilation php php-extension

我目前正在重写一个最初为 PHP 4.2.2 编写的 PHP 扩展. 我的问题是让构建/编译过程生成一个 .dll 而不是将扩展编译到 PHP 核心.环境是windows server 2003,我用的是Visual Studio 2008.

I'm currently rewriting a PHP Extension that was originally written for PHP 4.2.2. My issue is having the build/compile process generate a .dll instead of compiling the extension into the PHP core. The environment is windows server 2003. I'm using Visual Studio 2008.

我使用EXT_SKEL脚本生成框架,可以成功将扩展编译到php核心中.我正在尝试将其编译为 .dll 以便我可以轻松地将其分发给我的客户.任何人都可以指出我如何告诉 PHP 5.3 构建过程的正确方向,我想将我的扩展编译为 .dll 而不是静态地编译成 PHP 本身?

I used the EXT_SKEL script to generate the framework, and I can succesfully compile the extension into the php core. I'm trying to instead compile it as a .dll so I can easily distribute it to my clients. Can anyone point me in the right direction for how to tell the PHP 5.3 build process that i'd like to compile my extension as a .dll instead of staticly into PHP itself?


To build the extension's framework I run:

  1. php.exe ext_skel_win32.php --extname=myextension --proto=myprototypefile.dat
  2. 修改了 config.w32 以取消对ARG_ENABLE"行的注释并启用默认值
  3. buildconf.bat
  4. cscript/nologo configure.js
  5. nmake

我确认我可以从 PHP 中运行扩展的方法,但是它不会生成可分发的 .dll.相反,它将方法编译为 PHP 二进制文件.有人能指出我正确的方向吗?

I confirm that I can run the extension's methods from within PHP, however it does not produce a distributable .dll. instead it compiles the methods into the PHP binary. Can anyone point me in the right direction?



configure.js --enable-myextension=shared


configure.js --with-myextension=shared
