如何检查 $_GET Array 中的变量是否为整数?

2022-01-04 00:00:00 validation get php



底部有分页链接,我们可以通过这些链接进行浏览.每次点击页码时,它都会发送一个带有参数 page=1 或 page=2 等的 GET 请求......

It has pagination links at the bottom by which we can browse. Everytime the page numbers are clicked, it would send a GET request with parameters page=1 or page=2 and so on ...

当我将这些值从 $_GET 变量存储到 $page 时,它是一个字符串值.我可以像这样使用 (int) 将其转换为整数:

When I store these values to $page from teh $_GET variable, it is a string value. I can convert it to an integer using (int) like this:

       $page = (int)$_GET['page'];
       echo "Page Number: ".$page;


But how can I make sure that the value passed is an integer only and not other crap?



if (null !== ($page = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE))) {
    // $page is now an integer

这还会检查变量是否同时出现在查询字符串中.如果你想区分缺失和无效,你必须去掉 filter_input() 的最后一个参数:

This also checks whether the variable appears in the query string at the same time. If you want to differentiate between missing and invalid you have to leave off the last argument to filter_input():

$page = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
// $page can be null (not present), false (present but not valid) or a valid integer
