.php url 到 .html url

2022-01-04 00:00:00 webserver php mod-rewrite url-rewriting

我有一个用 .php 构建的网站,但我们已使用 mod rewrite" 将其转换为 .html..htaccess 中使用的 mod 重写代码是

I have a website built in .php but we have converted it to .html by using "mod rewrite". the mod rewrite code used in .htaccess is

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*).html$ $1.php

现在的问题是我的网站同时出现在 .php.html 中.

Now the problem is my website shows up in both .php and .html.

例如:www.mydomain.com/index.html 以及 www.mydomain.com/index.php.

据我所知,它不利于 seo 目的,而且它可能属于搜索引擎的重复内容.

as per my knowledge its not good for seo purpose and also it may fall in duplicate content to search engines.

所以我只想让 .html [not .php] url 在搜索引擎和用户上有效.

so i want to keep only .html [not .php] url live on search engines and for users.



UPDATE 合并评论(谢谢大家)

UPDATE incoorperated comments (thanks guys)

添加另一个重写规则,在您的其他规则之前将所有 *.php 重定向到 *.html 文件.类似的东西:

add another rewrite rule which redirect all *.php to *.html files before your other rule. something like that:

RewriteRule ^(.*).php$ $1.html [R=301,QSA,L]

使用永久重定向(301)将所有 php 文件重定向(R 标志)到 html 并停止处理其他所有文件(L 标志).它还转发所有查询参数(QSA 标志)

that redirects (R flag) all php files to html with a permanent redirect (301) and stops processing everything else (L flag). also it forwards all query parameters (QSA flag)
