PHP 中每个用户的自定义 URL

2022-01-04 00:00:00 url php url-rewriting

是否有可能有一个网站,每个用户都有自己的 URL,例如

Is it possible to have a website where each user gets their own URL like:


I want each user site to be the same, the only reason the name matters is if a person visiting the site signs up, they get their own custom url, but the person they signed up under is kept track of as their "Parent".

因此,如果我访问 并以 David 的身份注册,那么我的站点将变为,但 Phil 会在我的用户记录中进行跟踪.(即有没有办法让我知道他们访问了哪个网址下的网站)

So if I go to and sign up as David, then my site becomes but Phil is kept track of in my user record. (i.e. is there a way for me to know which url they visited the site under)


So, really that's 2 questions:

1) 如何为每个用户制作自定义网址2) 我怎么知道新用户访问了哪个网址

1) How do I make custom urls per user 2) How do I know which url a new user visited from

我对 PHP 非常陌生,所以请记住这一点.

I'm pretty brand new to PHP so keep that in mind.


您可以使用 apache mod_rewrite.

You can implement this using the apache mod_rewrite.


Make a rewrite rule for something like:

^/users/($1)    /users.php?userid=$1


In user.php file read the userid parameter, and return the page corresponding to given user.

至于从哪个用户注册/登录到您的站点,您可以保留会话值,例如引用用户 ID,并在新用户注册时写入您的数据库,将他推荐到您的站点.

As for racking from which user someone registered/logged-in to your site, you can keep a session value, such as the referencing userid, and when the new user registers, write to your db who referred him to your site.
