Doctrine2 分页器获得总结果

2022-01-04 00:00:00 php doctrine-orm pagination

马上我会说,我读了这个问题Doctrine2 Paginator,但它没有给我关于我的问题标题的足够信息.

Right away I would say, that I read this question Doctrine2 Paginator, but it doesn't give me enough information regarding the title of my question.

当我使用 Doctrine1 时,我得到了这样的代码的结果,例如:

When I used Doctrine1 I was getting the result with such code for example:

$list = $this->query
    ->addSelect( 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *' )
    ->offset( ( $this->currentPage - 1 ) * $this->perPage )
    ->limit( $this->perPage )
    ->execute( array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY_SHALLOW );

$totalRecords     = SqlCalcFoundRowsEventListener::getFoundRowsCount();
$this->totalPages = ceil( $totalRecords / $this->perPage );


现在,当使用 Doctrine2 时,我很困惑我应该如何获得与当前页面有限结果相同查询的记录总数.

Now, when using Doctrine2 I'm confused on how should I get total amount of records with same query as limited result for current page.


Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.



$paginator  = new DoctrineORMToolsPaginationPaginator($query);

$totalItems = count($paginator);
$pagesCount = ceil($totalItems / $pageSize);

// now get one page's items:
    ->setFirstResult($pageSize * ($currentPage-1)) // set the offset
    ->setMaxResults($pageSize); // set the limit

foreach ($paginator as $pageItem) {
    echo "<li>" . $pageItem->getName() . "</li>";
