分页 - 每页 10 页
I have a pagination script that displays a list of all pages like so:
prev [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] next
But I would like to only show ten of the numbers at a time:
prev [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] next
How can I accomplish this? Here is my code so far:
/* Set current, prev and next page */
$page = (!isset($_GET['page']))? 1 : $_GET['page'];
$prev = ($page - 1);
$next = ($page + 1);
/* Max results per page */
$max_results = 2;
/* Calculate the offset */
$from = (($page * $max_results) - $max_results);
/* Query the db for total results.
You need to edit the sql to fit your needs */
$result = mysql_query("select title from topics");
$total_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
$total_pages = ceil($total_results / $max_results);
$pagination = '';
/* Create a PREV link if there is one */
if($page > 1)
$pagination .= '< a href="?page='.$prev.'">Previous</a> ';
/* Loop through the total pages */
for($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; $i++)
if(($page) == $i)
$pagination .= $i;
$pagination .= '< a href="index.php?page='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>';
/* Print NEXT link if there is one */
if($page < $total_pages)
$pagination .= '< a hr_ef="?page='.$next.'"> Next</a>';
/* Now we have our pagination links in a variable($pagination) ready to
print to the page. I pu it in a variable because you may want to
show them at the top and bottom of the page */
/* Below is how you query the db for ONLY the results for the current page */
$result=mysql_query("select * from topics LIMIT $from, $max_results ");
while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo $i['title'].'<br />';
echo $pagination;
下 10 页
for($i = $page + 1; $i <= min($page + 11, $total_pages); $i++)
或者如果你想要 5 个上一个和 5 个下一个
or if you want 5 prev and 5 next
for($i = max(1, $page - 5); $i <= min($page + 5, $total_pages); $i++)