使用分页查看目录中的文件 - php

2022-01-04 00:00:00 php pagination

我想在浏览器中显示我目录中的文件.我知道这可以使用 @opendirreaddir .. 但我想要的是将列表中的文件数量限制为特定数量,然后使用分页显示.

I want to display files in my directory in browser. I know that this is possible using @opendir and readdir .. But what I want is to limit the number of files in the list to a specific number and display next using pagination.


你可以使用 scandir 将目录中的所有内容读入一个数组.然后根据分页值输出数组的内容.

You could use scandir to read all the contents of the directory into an array. Then output the contents of the array based on the pagination value.

$offset = 10; //get this as input from the user, probably as a GET from a link
$quantity = 10; //number of items to display
$filelist = scandir('/mydir');

//get subset of file array
$selectedFiles = array_slice($filelist, $offset-1, $quantity);

//output appropriate items
foreach($selectedFiles as $file)
    echo '<div class="file">'.$file.'</div>'; 
