Laravel - 分页和 get()

2022-01-04 00:00:00 php laravel laravel-4 pagination

使用下面的代码,我想要的是对我创建的查询进行分页.但是,当我尝试在 get 之后添加 paginate 时,它​​会引发错误.我想保持 get 因为我想限制在 $fields 上设置的列.对这件事进行分页应该是什么更好的主意?或者什么是获取和限制列的好替代品?

With the code below, what I wanted was paginate the query I created. But, when I try to add paginate after get, it throws an error. I wanted to remain get since I want to limit to columns that was set on $fields. What would should be the better idea to paginate this thing? or what's a good substitute for get and limit the columns?




class PhonesController extends BaseController {

    protected $limit = 5;
    protected $fields = array('Phones.*',' as manufacturer');
     * Display a listing of the resource.
     * @return Response
    public function index()

        if (Request::query("str")) {
            $phones = Phone::where("model", 'LIKE', '%'. Request::query('str') . '%')
                        ->join('manufacturers', 'manufacturers_id', '=', '')

        } else {
            $phones = Phone::join('manufacturers', 'manufacturers_id', '=', '')

        return View::make('phones.index')->with('phones', $phones);



如果你看一下 方法签名 你会看到 paginate 接收第二个参数 $columns.所以你的解决方案是使用

If you look at the method signature you will see that paginate receives a second argument, $columns. So your solution would be to use

->paginate($this->limit, $this->fields);


Furthermore, you can clean up your controller by changing things slightly:

public function index()

    $query = Phones::join('manufacturers', 'manufacturers_id', '=', '');

    if ( Request::query('str') ) {
        $query->where('model', 'LIKE', '%'. Request::query('str') . '%')

    $phones = $query->paginate($this->limit, $this->fields);

    return view('phones.index')->with('phones', $phones);
