PHP 脚本能否诱使浏览器认为 HTTP 请求已结束?

2022-01-04 00:00:00 http webserver php scripting httpwebrequest

我首先将脚本配置为即使在 HTTP 请求结束后也能运行

I first configure my script to run even after the HTTP request is over



 echo "Thats all folks!";

现在我怎样才能让浏览器认为 HTTP 请求已经结束?这样我就可以在浏览器不显示页面加载"的情况下继续做自己的工作.

Now how can I trick the browser into thinking the HTTP request is over? so I can continue doing my own work without the browser showing "page loading".

 header(??) // something like this?


以下是操作方法.您告诉浏览器读取输出的前 N ​​个字符,然后关闭连接,同时您的脚本继续运行直到完成.

Here's how to do it. You tell the browser to read in the first N characters of output and then close the connection, while your script keeps running until it's done.

header("Connection: close");
ignore_user_abort(true); // optional
echo ('Text the user will see');
$size = ob_get_length();
header("Content-Length: $size");
ob_end_flush();     // Will not work
flush();            // Unless both are called !

// At this point, the browser has closed connection to the web server

// Do processing here
echo('Text user will never see');
