你如何运行一个很长的 PHP 脚本并通过 HTTP 不断地向浏览器发送更新?

2022-01-04 00:00:00 updates timing php scripting

如何运行一个很长的 PHP 脚本并通过 HTTP 不断向浏览器发送更新?

How do you run a long PHP script and keep sending updates to the browser via HTTP?


Something to do with output buffering but I don't know exactly how.


输出缓冲正在朝着正确的方向思考,您可以使用 ob_start() 开始输出缓冲,就像使用会话一样 (session_start) 位于脚本顶部的某个位置,然后发送任何输出.

Output Buffering is thinking in the right direction, you start output buffering with ob_start() just like you would with sessions (session_start) somewhere in the top of your script, before any output is sent.

然后,您可以使用 ob_flushflush 继续刷新输出.例如,如果您在 foreach 循环中,并且在每个循环结束时您想输出新行并等待 1 秒,您可以这样做.

Then, you can use ob_flush and flush to keep flushing the output. For example, if you are in a foreach loop and at the end of each loop you want to output the new row and wait 1 second you would can do that.

但还要查看 set_time_limit,否则人们可能会在 30 秒左右后遇到超时.

But also look at set_time_limit, because otherwise people might experience a timeout after 30 seconds or so.

另一个快速说明,某些浏览器在实际开始显示之前需要最少的输出字节数.我不确定它是多少字节,我认为它在 4000 左右.此外,某些浏览器在关闭之前不会呈现某些元素(如表格).所以冲洗在那里也不起作用.

Another quick note, some browsers require a minimum number of bytes of output before they actually start showing it. I'm not sure what amound of bytes it was, I think it was around the 4000. Also, some browsers won't render certain elements (like tables) until they are closed. So flushing won't work there either.
