许可和保护 php 脚本

2022-01-04 00:00:00 php scripting licensing

我有兴趣使用 http://www.phplicengine.com 来保护我的 php 代码和许可证我的 php 脚本,但不知道它有多好.请问这里有一位 PHPLicengine 用户可以帮助我吗?

I am interested to use http://www.phplicengine.com to protect my php code and license my php script but have no clue how good it is. is here a PHPLicengine user who may help me please?


PHP 代码无法加密,因为在某些时候您必须 eval() 将产生输出的字符串.所以实际上没有办法加密如果你让它离开你的服务器,防止人们窃取你的代码.

PHP code cannot be encrypted because at some point you have to eval() the string that will be producing the output.So there isn't a way to actually keep people from stealing your code if you let it get off your servers.

在大多数情况下,试图保护代码是没有用的.人们通过 A) 为某人工作,B) 仅向有效的付费客户提供更新/支持,或 C) 以某种方式使软件使用的数据通过他们自己的服务器到达客户端,从而从代码中赚钱.

For the most part, trying to protect the code is useless. People make money off of code by either A) Working for someone, B) Providing updates/support to only valid paying customers, or C) Somehow make the data the software uses go through their own servers to get to the client.


Any other attempt to protect the code requires legal counsel and action.
