在 yiimongodbsuite 中插入嵌入的文档

2022-01-04 00:00:00 mongodb php yii yii-extensions

我需要在 yiimongodbsuite 中执行一个 upsert 命令.我试过

I need to perform an upsert command in yiimongodbsuite. I tried

$model   = new Murls();          
                $model->edits[0] = new Medithtml();
                $model->edits[0]->path= $htm;
                $model->update(array('_id'=>$rec->_id ),array('userid', 'title','edits' ), true );


Murls 模型定义如下

Murls model is defined as follows

   class Murls extends EMongoDocument
        public $userid;
        public $title;
        public $edits;

   public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
        return parent::model($className);

      // This method is required!
      public function getCollectionName()
        return 'murls';

      public function attributeLabels()
        return array(

      public function embeddedDocuments()
        return array(
                // property name => embedded document class name


      public function behaviors(){
            return array(
                            'embeddedArrays' => array(
                                'class' => 'ext.YiiMongoDbSuite.extra.EEmbeddedArraysBehavior',
                                'arrayPropertyName' => 'edits', // name of property, that will be used as an array
                                'arrayDocClassName' => 'Medithtml'    // class name of embedded documents in array


并将 Medithtml 建模为

and model Medithtml as

class Medithtml extends EMongoEmbeddedDocument{
    public $html;
    public $path;
    public $ci;

    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
        return parent::model($className);


我需要实现的是带有 $title 的记录可以有 n 个 $html$path$ci.任何帮助将不胜感激.我正在寻找的是存储这样的数据

What I need to achieve is that a record with $title can have n number of $html , $path and $ci. Any help will be appreciated. What I am looking is to store data like this

     array (
  '_id' => 
     '$id' => '51ee1956d39c2c7e078d80da',
  'userid' => '12',
  'title' => 'Mongo',
  'edits' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'html' => 'html>body>div:nth-child(2)>a>div>a>div',
      'path' => 'ssssss',
      'ci' => '1',
    1 => 
    array (
      'html' => 'html>body>div:nth-child(2)>a>div:nth-child(3)>a>h2',
      'path' => '/assets/img/demo/demo-avatar9604.jpg',
      'ci' => '2',
    2 => 
    array (
      'html' => ' html>body>div:nth-child(2)>a>div:nth-child(3)>a>center:nth-child(16)>a>h1',
      'path' => '333',
      'ci' => '3',

如果具有 'title''userid' 的特定组合的记录存在,则仅更新评论数组.如果不存在,将更新新记录插入

Only the comments array will be updated if record with a particular combination of 'title' and 'userid' exists.If it doesn not exists a new record will be inserted



       $rec = $model->find($criteria)  ;

       foreach($rec->edits as  $editarray){
        $edits_new= new Medithtml();

        $rec->update(array('edits'  ), true);
