Yii cgridview ajaxUpdate 属性

2022-01-04 00:00:00 widget php ajax yii gridview

我在另一个 cgridview 中有一个 cgridview:外面的一个是:

I have one cgridview inside another cgridview: the outer one is:

$this->widget('application.modules.user.components.CsvGridView', array(
    'filter' => $model,


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

   // 'pager'=>false,
   // 'enableSorting'=>false,


                        'name' => 'vac_type',
                        'value' =>


The problem is that the inner one does not update properly (of course update with ajax).

例如,当我单击下一步"时,在内部 cgridview 中,请求的 URL 是:请求 URL:http://localhost/orm/vac/vac/adminu/user_id/1/Vac_page/2?ajax=用户网格
请注意,用户网格是外部 cgridview 的 ID.然后在我点击下一步"后,内部和外部 cgridviews 都消失了.

when I click on "next" for example, in the inner cgridview, the requested URL is: Request URL:http://localhost/orm/vac/vac/adminu/user_id/1/Vac_page/2?ajax=users-grid
notice that users-grid is the id of the outer cgridview. and then after I click on "next" the inner and the outer cgridviews both disappears.

我尝试使用 ajaxUpdate 属性 但它没有影响任何事情.谢谢.

I try to use ajaxUpdate property but it does not affect anything. thank you.


这与我遇到的问题类似.排序和分页 url 由 dataProvider 设置,而搜索 url 由 ajaxUrl 设置.您必须将所有 3 项设置为脱离上下文使用 CGridView.

This is a similar issue to one I was having. The sort and paging urls are set by the dataProvider whereas the search url is set by ajaxUrl. You have to set all 3 to use CGridView out of context.


$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Modelname',array(

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
    'ajaxUpdate'=>'vacr-grid', // not necessary if same as id
    'ajaxUrl'=>Yii::app()->createUrl( 'Something/search' ),  // this takes care of the search  
                        'name' => 'vac_type',
                        'value' =>


Also my similar question...

我该怎么做在 Yii 中使用 CGridView 的 ajaxUrl 参数?
