无法在 YII2 中通过 Composer 安装任何软件包

我正在尝试在 YII2 中通过 composer 安装包库.但是从我的命令提示符运行命令后,我收到以下错误


composer.phar 需要 kartik-v/yii2-widget-datetimepicker *";


yiisoft/yii2-codeception 包已废弃,请避免使用.改用 codeception/codeception.


php composer.phar 需要 kartik-v/yii2-social @dev"



facebook/php-sdk-v4 包已弃用,请避免使用.改用 facebook/graph-sdk.




这不是错误.这只是 Composer 为您提供的信息,其中一个必需的软件包已被放弃,您不应期望获得更新.

如果您想删除此信息,只需从项目的 composer.json 文件中删除提到的包.如果该软件包未在此处列出,则意味着列出的必需软件包之一需要它作为依赖项,因此您无法直接将其删除.

至于 Yii 2 - 这里是 当前高级项目模板的 composer.json 以便您可以更新项目中的那个 - 包 yiisoft/yii2-codeception 不再使用.

I am trying to install package library by composer in YII2. But after running the command from my command prompt I am getting following error

My composer command is

composer.phar require kartik-v/yii2-widget-datetimepicker "*"

Package yiisoft/yii2-codeception is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use codeception/codeception instead.

When installing by this command

php composer.phar require kartik-v/yii2-social "@dev"

Then I am getting following error

Package facebook/php-sdk-v4 is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use facebook/graph-sdk instead.

Generating autoload files

Please suggest me how can I resolve this error


This is not an error. This is just an information for you from composer that one of the required packages has been abandoned and you should not expect to get updates for it.

If you want to get rid of this information simply remove the mentioned packages from the composer.json file of your project. If the package is not listed there it means that one of the required packages listed needs it as dependency so you can not remove it directly.

As for the Yii 2 - here is the current advanced project template's composer.json so you can update the one in your project - package yiisoft/yii2-codeception is no longer used.
