是否有任何 PHP 函数可以将数字转换为带有千位分隔符的货币?

2022-01-04 00:00:00 jquery php javascript yii

是否有任何 PHP 函数可以将 integer 转换为 Lakh 和 Crore?

Is there any PHP function to convert an integer to Lakh and Crore?

900800 -> 9,00,800
500800 -> 5,00,800


由于您在问题标签中添加了 Yii,因此您可以按照 Yii 的方式进行操作如下图:

As you have added Yii in your question tags, you can do this in Yii's way like below:

// Output: Lakh 9,00,800
echo Yii::app()->numberFormatter->formatCurrency('900800', 'Lakh');

// Output: ₹ 5,00,800
echo Yii::app()->numberFormatter->formatCurrency('500800', 'INR');
