
2022-01-04 00:00:00 google-chrome php ajax yii cross-browser

我正在 Yii 框架中开发 Web 应用程序.我需要在我的一些页面中使用 AJAX.所以,当我点击按钮(我用 AJAX 加载它们时,Google Chrome Developer Tools 浏览器告诉我:

I'm developing Web app in Yii framework. I need use AJAX in my some pages. So, when I clicked the button (which I loaded them with AJAX the Google Chrome Developer Tools browser says me:



P.S:我知道这是重复的问题,但我找不到解决我的问题的方法.在一些帖子中,用户说使用 Ctrl+Shift+N 并尝试一下.它会起作用.和/或有人说:用Ctrl+F5重新加载页面,因为谷歌浏览器喜欢缓存一切..因此,我阅读了所有这些主题并应用了所有解决方案技巧.但没有帮助.请帮帮我...

P.S: I know it's duplicate question, but I couldn't find the solution for my problem. In some posts users said use Ctrl+Shift+N and try it. it will works. and/or somebody said: reload pages with Ctrl+F5 because Google Chrome likes cache everything.. So, I read all of these topics and applied all solution tips. But there were not help. Please help me...

而且在其他浏览器中,某些页面也无法正常工作.但只有 Google Chrome 开发者工具 会返回愚蠢的错误.

And also in other browsers some pages not working properly. But only the Google Chrome Developer Tools returns me the stupid error.



Google 声明这不是失败,而是一些误导性错误报告".此错误将在 chrome 40 版本中修复.

Google declares that this is not a failure, but some "misleading error reports". This bug will be fixed in version 40 of chrome.


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