Yii 框架异步请求

2022-01-04 00:00:00 asynchronous php ajax yii

我有执行 3 个任务的 ajax 请求:

I have ajax request that do 3 missions:

  • 保存模型 (DB)
  • 发送电子邮件
  • 给出成功或失败的消息.

因为这个任务太耗时了.用户最多可以等待 20 秒的响应(成功或失败消息).如果用户关闭浏览器,它会停止用户当前进程的操作之一.

Because this mission takes too time. User can wait up to 20 sec for response (success or failed message). And if the user close the browser its stop in one of the operation that current process for the user.



I want user submit his data to my Controller and after it he will get the "success or failed message". And the process will be completely in the server side and its should support multi sessions.



@hakre 你给的没有减少用户等待响应的时间.

@hakre What you gave not reduce the time user wait for respond.

我找到了最好的解决方案:yii 的 runactions 扩展

I found the best solution for this: runactions extension for yii


This is extension let you run from controller background actions. There are several way to use it. The best one for my case is this

public function actionTimeConsumingProcess()
    if (ERunActions::runBackground())
       //do all the stuff that should work in background
        //this code will be executed immediately
        //echo 'Time-consuming process has been started'
        //user->setFlash ...render ... redirect,
  //User information
  echo "Submit Success!"

它的工作但没有 ajax 请求,当我发出 ajax 请求时,由于某种原因它不起作用.所以我用了:

And its work but without ajax request, When I make ajax request its not working for some reason. So I used:

                         ERunActions::httpPOST($this->createAbsoluteUrl('Form/Submit'), array('to'=>'mail@domain.com', 'subject'=>'This is the subject'));


And its work great but its not the ideal solution for this.
