每天在特定时间执行 PHP 脚本有哪些选项?

2022-01-03 00:00:00 cron php

我有一个 PHP 脚本,需要在每个工作日的特定时间运行.cron 或 Windows 任务调度程序是执行此操作的唯一方法吗?
有没有办法从另一个 PHP 脚本中进行设置?

I have a PHP script that needs to be run at certain times every weekday. Is cron or Windows task scheduler the only way to do this?
Is there a way to set this up from within another PHP script?


取决于时间的精确程度.我见过使用的一种技术(称为穷人的 cron")是让经常访问的脚本(例如网站的主页)在一段时间后在第一页加载时触发任务(在数据库).

Depends how exact the timing needs to be. A technique I've seen used (dubbed "poor man's cron") is to have a frequently accessed script (a site's home page, for example) fire off a task on the first page load after a certain time (kept track of in the database).

不过,如果您需要任何形式的保证准确性,cron 或 Windows 计划任务确实是最佳选择.如果您的主机不支持它们,则是时候换一个更好的了.

If you need any sort of guaranteed accuracy, though, cron or a Windows scheduled task is really the best option. If your host doesn't support them, it's time to get a better one.
